Silver Braid XLR

Finally, a 99.99 pure Silver interconnect that will not break the bank. It is constructed of three solid strands of 30awg pure Silver. Silver is the best conductor. Since it is not shielded, the sound is very open with great detail, air, and space. Braiding the wire helps to prevent EMI absorption. This cable is modeled after the famous Kimber Silver Streak which cost $300-400. The Silver wire is surrounded by pure virgin Teflon. Teflon is one of the most inert substances known to man. This helps create a very accurate cable.

The care that goes into making a pair of these is evident in the details and quality of materials being used. we have isolated every sound quality by many, many, hours of critical listening. From the solder, to the RCA connectors, to the wire being used, we know exactly what each element brings to the sonic table. It is by careful mixing of each harmonic ingredient that Aural Thrills Audio has arrived at this design. Please do not compare these cables to the imported cheap cables widely available. These are a true audiophile design and you will hear the difference. Just a word about Aural Thrills Audio. We are a personal, upscale, company that builds and tests custom cables one at a time. We run only one company, 24/7 and strive for your complete satisfaction. Please check out our 100% positive feedback. The goal is to be the best high end, custom cable company by designing and producing innovative products to order. Our audiophile grade of wire is made exclusively for us and is created using base metals of 4 nines or better. The innovative engineering and designs make us a leader of high tech cables. In closing we want to thank all of our present customers and look forward to making many new ones.


Call 940 290 1412 to order   

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